Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Thoughts and Dreams

I am extremely pleased about these pieces folks! This is the first installment of illustrations in my self-directed VAST 400 class. The series focuses on Retreating Inwards. The images depict places we go within ourselves in an attempt to cope with what we cannot control in our lives. More to come :)

Imagine shows how we will escape into a safe place where we know what the ending will be.

Bird Heads is how we try to change ourselves to fit what other people expect.

Drifting Memories is about retreating to a peaceful place of reminiscence.  It illustrates that bittersweet feeling which taints even the best memory because you are remembering something that was good, but now its gone, and that makes it a little sad.

These prints will be for sale at Emily Carr's Student Art Sale from November 22nd-24th.  And perhaps later on my Esty Site :)

- Imagine -

- Bird Heads -

- Drifting Thoughts -

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Good Afternoon Fall

Firstly, I apologize for my extremely long absence from blogging.  Sometimes when you landscape full time for the spring/summer, you feel dead most of the days and your fingers want to fall off.  However, now I'm back on track, and I hope to be posting regularly. Look forward to some exciting illustrations in the coming months! 

Which begins NOW, with an extremely unhappy owl (who oddly resembles my morning facial expressions...)