Friday 26 October 2012

Postcard Mailer

So this took forever, but well worth it.  Another solid piece to add to my portfolio and LOOK at all that color and texture mmmmm:) This is for my proffessional practice class, and the project was to design a postcard to send to publishers and such.  It isnt due for a week or so, so i'm still doing a couple touchups on it.  If you see any thing that needs changing, in terms of color, please tell me haha.
pencil, ink, photoshop. I'd say about 5 full days of my life.

And some close-ups...




  1. Looks pretty good, but I feel like the girl should have a thicker outline or something to draw a little more attention to her. And although I think the tree looks great, it's drawing the attention away from all the other characters. I would also reconsider the colour of the girl's hat, cause it gets a little lost. And her left arm looks somewhat strange.
    But it looks great!
    Also, you should make a greeting card from that owl-like creature...and give me one=)

  2. Thanks for the advice! i'll look into trying to change some of those things.

    one owl-deer card coming up!
